Master of Magic Wiki

Chance To Hit (often called "To Hit", for simplicity) is a game concept used in Master of Magic to determine the accuracy of all Physical Damage and Area Damage attacks. In essence, it helps determine how much damage such an attack would inflict on its target.

The attacker, be it a spell or a unit, has a certain To Hit score which is a primary component in determining how many Icon Damage points of Damage will be inflicted on the target. The process of inflicting that damage involves one or more random rolls, meaning that an attacker's To Hit score only represents statistical probabilities of inflicting Icon Damage Damage.

During a Physical Damage or Area Damage attack, the attacker is required to make a number of To Hit rolls, which determine how many hits are registered against the target. The defender may or may not be allowed to make Icon ToBlock To Block rolls in order to deflect some or all of these registered hits. Each hit that is not deflected will cause Icon Damage 1 point of Damage on the target.

A unit's To Hit score is represented on this wiki with an unofficial icon that looks like a golden cross-hairs: Icon ToHit. This icon is based on the icon used to represent To Hit bonuses in the game.

Icon ToHit To Hit values are measured on this wiki in increments of 10%, which correlates with the statistical chance they represent. The default Icon ToHit To Hit score of any unit or spell is 30%, though units often have bonuses or penalties that increase or decrease this value. The higher the value, the better chance that unit or spell has to inflict more Icon Damage Damage on this target, though it is only one of many factors involved in determining damage output.


The Chance To Hit of an attack is a measure of its accuracy. Whether it represents how well a unit uses its weapons, or how accurate a spell is in hitting its designated target, the To Hit value has similar implications regardless of the source of the attack.

The use of Chance To Hit in Master of Magic adds an important aspect of randomness to Physical Damage and Area Damage attacks (which are usually the most common types of damage in the game). It means that the results of such an attack depend not only on the attacker's strength or the defender's properties, but also on a powerful random element that makes luck an important factor.

As a result, even a powerful attacker may, occasionally, inflict little or no damage - or alternatively inflict more damage than average - on the same target. Note also that this is not the only random factor involved in such attacks, since the defender's Icon ToBlock To Block rolls, which are quite similar to Icon ToHit To Hit rolls, have a similar importance.

The Mechanism[]

The To Hit value comes into play whenever a Physical Damage or Area Damage attack is performed by any unit or spell against any target. To Hit is used as a percentage chance of inflicting "Registered Hits" on said target, which will later be translated into actual Icon Damage Damage to that target, if they can get through the target's defenses.

Registered Hits[]

Whenever a Physical Damage or Area Damage attack is performed, against any target, the attack's source must make a series of Icon ToHit To Hit rolls in order to determine how effective the attack was. The number of rolls made differs based on the source of the attack, as does the chance of success with each roll.

The number of Icon ToHit To Hit rolls is equal to the strength of the attack. For example, a unit with Icon Melee Normal 3 Melee Attack strength which makes a Melee Attack on any target will make 3 Icon ToHit To Hit rolls. Spells work similarly, so a spell with a strength of Icon Ranged Magic 5 will make 5 Icon ToHit To Hit rolls against its target. Note that Icon MultiFigureUnit Multi-Figure Units may make more rolls against the target, since each Icon Figure Figure in the unit attacks the target simultaneously.

Each roll results in a value between 1 and 100. This is then compared to the attacker's current Icon ToHit To Hit score (with modifiers taken into account) in order to determine whether that roll is successful. If the roll is equal to or lower than the attacker's Icon ToHit To Hit score, then that roll was successful.

After making all the necessary rolls, the game tallies up all successful rolls. This is the number of "Registered Hits" that the attack managed to inflict on its target. At this point, the target often (but not always) gets to make a set of Icon ToBlock To Block rolls to reduce the number of "Registered Hits". After this, any Registered Hits remaining are immediately translated into Icon Damage points of Damage and inflicted on the target. Each Registered Hit equals Icon Damage 1 point of Damage.

The maximum possible number of Registered Hits on the target is therefore exactly equal to the strength of the attack. Returning to the example above, a unit with Icon Melee Normal 3 may make anywhere between 0 to 3 Registered Hits on its target, depending on how many Icon ToHit To Hit rolls were successful. If the unit's To Hit score is Icon ToHit 100%, it will always inflict 3 Registered Hits, since it will automatically succeed in each and every roll. Conversely, if the unit's To Hit score is Icon ToHit 0%, the unit automatically fails each roll and therefore inflicts 0 Registered Hits. Values in between give the unit a chance to succeed or fail in each roll, and thus will inflict differing numbers of Registered Hits each time it attacks, in this case anywhere between 0 and 3.

This allows us to estimate the average number of Registered Hits that a unit or spell will inflict on its target, which can be done by multiplying the unit/spell's attack strength by its Icon ToHit To Hit score. For example, if the attack has a strength of Icon Melee Normal 3, and a To Hit score of Icon ToHit 60%, then it will (on average) inflict Icon Melee Normal 3 * Icon ToHit 60% = 1.8 Registered Hits on its target. Note that this is before the target gets to try to Icon ToBlock deflect those Registered Hits, so the final result will often be very different. Nonetheless, comparing the attacker's statistical average to the defender's blocking ability gives a good indication of how much damage can be expected.

For a run-down of the entire process, including important details and caveats, please read the articles on Physical Damage and Area Damage.

Chance To Hit Score[]

By default, every unit and direct-damage spell has a To Hit score of exactly Icon ToHit 30%.

For units, a variety of special effects (often bestowed by innate properties or Unit Enchantments) may alter this value up or down as appropriate. Some units, for example Icon Experience Experienced Heroes, may reach Icon ToHit 100% To Hit (or higher!). In certain situations, a unit may drop to Icon ToHit 10%, but no lower than that.

A unit's actual Icon ToHit To Hit score is not displayed anywhere. However, modifiers to a unit's Icon ToHit To Hit score are usually displayed in the unit's details panel - specifically, in the unit's Abilities List at the bottom of that panel. The modifier is displayed as a number next to an icon of a yellow cross-hair on a golden background:

Ability ToHit

Modifiers are measured in-game in increments or decrements of 1. For example, a unit may have a modifier of +1, +2, +3 or -1, -2, -3 and so on, indicating relative adjustment of the unit's Icon ToHit To Hit score above or below the default value as appropriate. Note however that on this wiki, Icon ToHit To Hit is measured in increments of 10%, so a +1 bonus in game is translated into a Icon ToHit +10% bonus on this wiki.

When no such icon appears in the game, it means that the unit is at the default To Hit score, which is exactly Icon ToHit 30%.

Again, all direct-damage spells and effects have exactly Icon ToHit 30% To Hit, and their accuracy cannot be altered in any way.

Note: On this wiki, To Hit is classified as one of the primary unit attributes - i.e. the same as Icon Melee Normal Melee Attack Strength, Icon Defense Defense, Icon Resist Resistance and so forth. It is not considered a Unit Ability despite the fact that the indicator appears in the unit's Abilites List.

Chance To Hit > 100%[]

It is sometimes possible, especially with highly-Icon Experience Experienced Heroes wielding very powerful Magical Items, for a unit to achieve a To Hit score higher than Icon ToHit 100%.
Such a score has no practical benefit over a To Hit score of Icon ToHit 100%, since at 100% the unit is already guaranteed to succeed in any Icon ToHit To Hit roll it makes.
However, having more than Icon ToHit 100% To Hit can serve as a "buffer" to protect the unit against ill-effects that might lower its To Hit score. If the unit's To Hit score is high enough, the ill-effect would not be able to drop it below 100%, meaning that the unit's combat performance is not adversely affected.
Even more importantly, units using a Icon Ranged Bow Ranged Missile Attack or Icon Ranged Boulder Ranged Boulder Attack will often suffer Icon ToHit To Hit penalties when attacking distant targets. With a To Hit score above Icon ToHit 100%, such a unit can ignore distance penalties altogether, remaining just as effective when firing clear across the battlefield.
For example, imagine Alorra the Elven Archer. When firing across the battlefield, Alorra will always suffer a Icon ToHit -30% To Hit penalty due to the distance involved, making her shots less effective. However, when she reaches a very high Icon Experience Level Experience Level and is equipped with a powerful Bow, she can achieve a To Hit score of Icon ToHit 130%. This means that even when suffering those distance penalties, her score is reduced only to Icon ToHit 100%, allowing her to be just as effective as she would be against a nearby target.

To Hit Modifiers[]

As mentioned above, units in the game often enjoy (or suffer from) various modifiers that alter their To Hit score from its default value of Icon ToHit 30%.

Raising a unit's Icon ToHit To Hit value means that the unit will inflict, on average, a greater portion of its attack strength on the enemy, while lowering the value means that the unit will struggle to inflict as much damage as it normally would. Therefore, beneficial spells and effects are geared towards raising the value, while maledictions and Curses often lower it.

When a unit's Icon ToHit To Hit score has been modified from the default, an icon will appear in its Abilities List to indicate this. To view this, right-click the unit and examine the list of abilities and modifiers in the bottom half of the window that pops up for you.

Note that modifiers do not always appear in the unit's details window. They only appear if they apply equally to each of the unit's Attack Types.

The most common sources for Icon ToHit To Hit modifiers on a unit include the following:

Furthermore, when using a Icon Ranged Bow Ranged Missile Attack or Icon Ranged Boulder Ranged Boulder Attack, Icon ToHit To Hit penalties may be applied based on the distance to the target.

The icon in the unit's Details Panel will indicate only the total modifier to the unit's Icon ToHit To Hit score, and does not list each and every effect. This may sometimes make it harder to determine why the unit is enjoying/suffering a certain amount of modification. Careful study of the unit's properties and external effects may be necessary to determine this.

Innate Unit Bonuses[]

A large number of units, primarily Fantastic Creatures, enjoy an innate bonus to their Icon ToHit To Hit score, which represents superior or super-natural accuracy. In addition, some Normal Units possess a similar innate bonus thanks to Racial benefits.

Such a unit will always have a certain base modifier to its To Hit score, above the default Icon ToHit 30%, regardless of what else affects it. The innate modifier cannot be removed, and will never be missing for any reason, regardless of how the unit was brought into the game.

Most units of this kind enjoy only a Icon ToHit +10% To Hit bonus. A scant few, very powerful units indeed, enjoy an innate bonus of Icon ToHit +20% To Hit or even Icon ToHit +30% To Hit, making them incredibly dangerous.

These innate bonuses apply to all Physical Damage attacks performed by the unit, including its Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, Thrown Attack and Breath Attack (if any of these are available, of course).

Innate Unit Abilities[]

Two Unit Abilities in the game will alter the Icon ToHit To Hit score of an attacker or defender as appropriate. These are Lucky and Invisibility. A few units possess these abilities by default, meaning that the ability is permanent and immutable, and cannot be added or removed throughout the unit's existence.

The Lucky ability, among its other effects, gives the unit a Icon ToHit +10% To Hit Bonus in each and every Physical Damage attack it makes. This may seem like a small amount, but can have a very strong impact for many of the units possessing it.

The Invisibility ability works somewhat differently. Instead of augmenting the unit's Icon ToHit To Hit score, it actually decreases the To Hit score of any opponent that attempts to attack it, by Icon ToHit -10%. This makes the unit harder to kill. Note, however, that opponents possessing Illusions Immunity or affected by True Sight will not suffer this penalty at all.

Note: Invisibility can also be added to a unit that does not possess it by default, though the use of one of two different spells. This is described below.

Hero Abilities[]

Several Heroes in the game possess the Blademaster Hero Ability. This ability provides a Icon ToHit +5% To Hit bonus for each of the Hero's current Experience Levels. Therefore, a Blademaster Hero with Icon Experience Level 8 Experience Levels, for example, receives a bonus of Icon ToHit +40% To Hit.

Blademaster is a fairly uncommon Hero Ability, possessed by default only by a few Heroes. However, due to the process of selecting Random Abilities, a single game may feature more or fewer Heroes with this ability.

Even rarer than this is the Super Blademaster ability. This works the same as the "regular" ability, except it bestows a bonus of Icon ToHit +7.5% To Hit per Icon Experience Level Experience Level.

Note that Blademaster's bonuses are smaller than Icon ToHit +10% per level. Since the total bonus is rounded down to the nearest number divisible by 10 (since Icon ToHit To Hit is normally measured only in increments of 10%) this means that the Hero will not enjoy an actual benefit with each level. For example, a Blademaster Hero with Icon Experience Level 9 Experience Levels has a bonus of Icon ToHit 5% * Icon ExpLevel 8 9 = Icon ToHit +45%, which is immediately rounded down to Icon ToHit +40% - the same bonus he/she would have at Icon Experience Level Experience Level 8. No bonus was gained, since the new total is not divisible by 10%.

Note that the Icon ToHit To Hit bonus from Blademaster and Super Blademaster applies equally to the Hero's Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, Thrown Attack and Breath Attack, whichever are available.

Experience Level[]

A unit's current Experience Level may grant it several different bonuses to its basic combat properties, and one of these bonuses is a Icon ToHit To Hit bonus that grows as the unit's level increases. Only Heroes and Normal Units accumulate Icon Experience Experience.

Icon ToHit To Hit bonuses are given only at the higher Icon Experience Level Experience Levels. By the time a unit reaches such a level, it is already significantly more dangerous than it was when first created, and these bonuses can serve to turn even a very weak unit into a rather dangerous one.

Normal Units usually receive a Icon ToHit +10% To Hit bonus once they have reached Icon ExpLevel 3 Elite level. With the Warlord Retort or Crusade spell, Normal Units can reach Icon ExpLevel 4 Ultra-Elite level to gain Icon ToHit +20% To Hit. With both Warlord and Crusade in effect, Normal Units may reach Icon ExpLevel 5 Champion level, gaining the maximum bonus of Icon ToHit +30% To Hit.

Heroes begin receiving Icon ToHit To Hit bonuses at Icon ExpLevel 2 Captain level, and the bonus will grow every 3 levels after that. In other words, they receive Icon ToHit +10% To Hit at Icon ExpLevel 2 Captain level, Icon ToHit +20% To Hit at Icon ExpLevel 5 Lord level, and Icon ToHit +30% To Hit at Icon ExpLevel 8 Demi-God level. Note of course that Heroes may also gain bonuses from the Blademaster ability at various levels, as explained earlier. These are cumulative with the regular bonuses from Icon Experience Level Experience Level.

Icon ToHit To Hit bonuses from Experience Level apply equally to the unit's Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, Thrown Attack and Breath Attack, whichever are available.

Unit Enchantments and Curses[]

A good way to influence a unit's Icon ToHit To Hit score artificially during the game is to cast certain Unit Enchantments or Unit Curses upon it (for a beneficial or detrimental effect, respectively).

There are three different spells of this category that affect Icon ToHit To Hit, and each does so in a completely different fashion. Nonetheless, they can have a crucial impact on a unit's combat performance as a result.

In all cases, however, the modifier applies only while the spell remains in effect. Enchantments and Curses can be dispelled by enemies or even cancelled by the caster himself, so they are not truly permanent.

Holy Weapon, a Common Unit Enchantment from the Icon LifeLife Realm, will equip the targeted Normal Unit with Icon Melee Magic Magical Weapons. This has several effects, one of which is a flat Icon ToHit +10% To Hit bonus, which applies to the unit's Melee Attack, Ranged Missile Attack and Ranged Boulder Attack (if any are available), but not to its Magical Ranged Attack, Thrown Attack or Breath Attack. Furthermore, note that the bonus from Holy Weapon is actually cumulative with Icon Melee Magic Magical Weapons acquired in other ways, so a unit possessing both will have Icon ToHit +20%.

Invisibility, a Rare Unit Enchantment from the Icon SorcerySorcery Realm, will add the Invisibility property to the targeted unit. This has many important effects; but as described earlier in this article, it will give any opponent that attacks this unit a Icon ToHit -10% To Hit penalty. Opponents possessing Illusions Immunity or True Sight ignore this effect.

Vertigo, an Uncommon Unit Curse from the Icon SorcerySorcery Realm, is targeted at enemy units to make them less effective in combat. The affected unit receives a Icon ToHit -20% To Hit penalty, along with Icon Defense -1 Defense. Note that the targeted unit may Icon Resist Resist the spell, and thus suffer no penalty at all, and that Vertigo lasts only until the end of combat.

Combat and Global Enchantments[]

Combat Enchantments and Global Enchantments are also capable of affecting units' Icon ToHit To Hit scores. However, unlike Unit Enchantments and Curses, they do so in a blanket fashion - affecting a large number of units simultaneously. This makes Combat Enchantments and Global Enchantments extremely cost-effective, and potentially quite dangerous.

Again, these spells will apply a temporary modifier to the unit's Icon ToHit To Hit value, which persists only as long as the spell remains in effect. For Combat Enchantments, this is until the end of the current battle or until the enchantment is dispelled. Global Enchantments have no set duration, and can either be dispelled by the enemy or cancelled by their own caster.

Crusade, a Very Rare Global Enchantment from the Icon LifeLife Realm, has been discussed earlier in this article. When it is in effect, every friendly Normal Unit receives one bonus Icon Experience Level Experience Level. As a result, units require fewer Icon Experience Experience Points to reach Icon Experience Level level, whereupon they receive their first To Hit bonus of Icon ToHit +10%. Crusade also allows units to reach Icon ExpLevel 4 Ultra-Elite Level for Icon ToHit +20% To Hit. If the wizard also possesses the Warlord Retort, units reach these levels even earlier, and can reach the maximum level of Icon ExpLevel 5 Champion for Icon ToHit +30% To Hit.

Holy Arms is another important Very Rare Global Enchantment from the Icon LifeLife Realm. While it is in effect, every friendly Normal Unit and Hero enjoys the same effects bestowed by Holy Weapon (discussed earlier), which give the unit a Icon Melee Magic Magical Weapon. One of the effects is a Icon ToHit +10% To Hit bonus to all the affected units, which is cumulative with Icon Melee Magic Magical Weapons acquired through other means. As with Holy Weapon, this bonus applies only to the unit's Melee Attack, Ranged Missile Attack and Ranged Boulder Attack, but not to its Ranged Magical Attack, Thrown Attack or Breath Attack.

Prayer and High Prayer are two non-stacking Combat Enchantments from the Icon LifeLife Realm, which provide a Icon ToHit +10% To Hit bonus to all friendly units on the battlefield, among other bonuses. If both are in effect, units still receive only Icon ToHit +10%. Prayer is an Uncommon Spell, while High Prayer is a Very Rare Spell, with the latter providing much better ancillary bonuses than the former.

Warp Reality, a Rare Combat Enchantment from the Icon ChaosChaos Realm, has a more tactically-complicated effect. It will apply a Icon ToHit -20% To Hit penalty on all units on the battlefield, friend or foe, that are not associated with the Icon ChaosChaos Realm. This normally applies to all Normal Units, Heroes, and non-Icon ChaosChaos Fantastic Creatures.

Finally, Mass Invisibility is a Very Rare Combat Enchantment from the Icon SorcerySorcery Realm, which applies the same effect as the Invisibility spell on all friendly units on the battlefield. As a consequence, any enemy unit attacking a friendly unit receives a Icon ToHit -10% To Hit penalty, unless that enemy unit possesses Illusions Immunity or True Sight.

Magical Weapons[]

Normal Units produced in a Town containing an Alchemists' Guild are always created with Icon Melee Magic Magical Weapons, or better. One of the effects of these weapons is to give the unit a Icon ToHit +10% To Hit bonus.

The modifier from Icon Melee Magic Magical Weapons is not displayed in the unit's Details Panel, because it does not apply to all of the unit's attacks. It only applies to the following attack types:

  • Icon Melee Magic Melee Attack
  • Icon Ranged Bow Ranged Missile Attack
  • Icon Ranged Boulder Ranged Boulder Attack

The bonus does not apply to the following attacks, if the unit even has them at all:

  • Icon Ranged Magic Ranged Magical Attack
  • Icon Thrown Thrown Attack
  • Icon Breath Fire Breath Attack
  • Icon Breath Lightning Lightning Breath Attack

Note that although Heroes carrying Magical Weapons enjoy some of the benefits of a Normal Unit's Icon Melee Magic Magical Weapons, they do not receive a Icon ToHit +10% To Hit bonus for that weapon.

Magical Items[]

Heroes may be equipped with a variety of items that can boost their combat performance in a myriad of different ways. Some items can be imbued with a Icon ToHit To Hit bonus of a certain magnitude, which is then applied to the Hero holding that item.

Only certain types of Magical Items can receive a Icon ToHit To Hit bonus, including all weapon types as well as Jewelry. Armor may not have any Icon ToHit To Hit bonuses imbued into it, and no armor with such a bonus will ever be found in Treasure piles.

Magical Items with a Icon ToHit To Hit bonus have an important caveat: they will only apply that bonus to some of the Hero's attacks, but not all of them:

  • The Icon ToHit To Hit bonus on a Item Staff 1 Staff or Item Wand 1 Wand only applies to the Hero's Icon Ranged Magic Magical Ranged Attacks.
  • The Icon ToHit To Hit bonus on a Item Bow 1 Bow only applies to the Hero's Icon Ranged Bow Ranged Missile Attacks.
  • The Icon ToHit To Hit bonus on a Item Sword 1 Sword or Item Mace 1 Mace only applies to the Hero's Icon Melee Normal Melee Attacks.
  • The Icon ToHit To Hit bonus on an Item Axe 1 Axe only applies to the Hero's Icon Melee Normal Melee Attacks. Even though attack strength bonuses do apply to the Hero's Icon Thrown Thrown Attacks as well, the Icon ToHit To Hit bonuses do not.
  • The Icon ToHit To Hit bonus on a piece of Item Misc 1 Jewelry only applies to the Hero's Icon Melee Normal Melee Attacks and Ranged Attacks (of any kind), but not to Icon Thrown Thrown or Icon Breath Breath attacks.

The bonus remains in effect as long as the Hero is wearing the item. If the item is removed, the bonus is lost. The bonus cannot be removed in any other way.

Possible Item To-Hit Bonuses[]

During Item Crafting, several important factors determine which Icon ToHit To Hit bonuses, if any, may be placed on the item. This includes the spell being used to craft the item (be it Enchant Item or Create Artifact), the type of item being created, and the amount of Icon Mana Mana the caster wishes to spend.
Items created with Enchant Item cannot contain any Icon ToHit To Hit bonuses whatsoever, regardless of type. Only items created with Create Artifact may contain such bonuses at all.
Wands may only contain a Icon ToHit +10% To Hit bonus. Axes and Jewelry may be imbued with either Icon ToHit +10% or Icon ToHit +20%. Swords, Maces, Bows and Staves may be imbued with anywhere up to Icon ToHit +30% To Hit.
For weapons, each Icon ToHit +10% bonus increases the weapon's value (and thus the amount of Icon Mana Mana required to create it) by Icon Mana 400, making Icon ToHit To Hit one of the most expensive bonuses that can be placed on any item. For Jewelry this is even more expensive, at a rate of Icon Mana 800 per Icon ToHit +10%. A Jewelry item with nothing but a Icon ToHit +20% To Hit bonus costs a whopping Icon Mana 1650 Mana!

Ranged Penalties[]

When a unit attacks using its Icon Ranged Bow Ranged Missile Attack or Icon Ranged Boulder Ranged Boulder Attack (but not when using a Icon Ranged Magic Ranged Magical Attack), it may suffer a certain Icon ToHit To Hit penalty based on the distance to the target.

The penalties are as follows:

Range Icon ToHit To Hit Penalty
1 Tile (adjacent)*   No Penalty
2 Tiles No Penalty
3,4 or 5 Tiles Icon ToHit -10% Penalty
6,7 or 8 Tiles Icon ToHit -20% Penalty
Etcetera Icon ToHit -30% Penalty

* "Adjacent" means the attacker and the target are right next to each other (including diagonals).

Remember of course that a unit's final To Hit score can never drop below Icon ToHit 10%, after all modifiers have been taken into account.

This means that units possessing a Ranged Attack that's subjected to such penalties will have a strong incentive to close the distance to its target before using that attack. Only powerful ranged attackers can afford to pelt the enemy from far away.

Also note that the presence of the Long Range ability on a unit puts an absolute cap on these penalties. Such a unit will not suffer more than Icon ToHit -10% To Hit from distance to its target, so a shot from 8 tiles away or even more is just as effective as a shot from 3 tiles away.

Counterattack Penalty[]

If a unit undergoes more than two attacks within one round, then its counterattacks receive a temporary To Hit penalty. It's Icon ToHit -10% for the third and fourth attack, Icon ToHit -20% for the fifth and sixth attack, and so on. Note that this penalty will not affect the unit, if it initiates the attack.


A Hydra is attacked by 2 units of Gnoll Bowmen and 4 units of Wolf Riders. The higher speed of the Wolf Riders will be used to initiate the attack twice and simultaneously in one round. This has not only the advantage that the Hydra can't use its Icon Breath Breath attack, its counterattacks will also become weaker against the later Wolf Riders.
A Hydra has an innate Icon ToHit +10 % To Hit bonus which means that each Icon Melee Normal Sword icon will usually have a 40 % chance of working. The 2 units of Gnoll Bowmen will attack first with their Icon Ranged Bow Ranged Attack. This will unlikely cause any damage. However, it will help to reduce the damage inflicted to the Wolf Riders: After these 2 incoming attacks, the Hydra will already suffer a temporary Icon ToHit -10% penalty to its upcoming counterattacks in this counterattack round. Now, the first unit of Wolf Riders will initiate the attack twice: In both counterattacks, the Hydra's Icon Melee Normal Sword icons will only have a 30 % chance of working thanks to the previous attacks of the Bowmen. After these 2 further incoming attacks, the Hydra will suffer a temporary Icon ToHit -20% penalty to its upcoming counterattacks.
Now, the second unit of Wolf Riders will initiate the attack twice: This time, the Hydra's Icon Melee Normal Sword icons will only have a 20 % chance of working in both counterattacks, and in the aftermath the temporary To Hit penalty is increased to Icon ToHit -30%. Now, the third unit of Wolf Riders will initiate the attack twice: The Hydra's Icon Melee Normal Sword icons will only have a 10 % chance of working in these 2 counterattacks. Since the success chance of a roll cannot fall below 10 %, each further temporary To Hit penalty will basically have no effect: If the fourth unit of Wolf Riders attack, the Hydra's Icon Melee Normal Sword icons will still have a 10 % chance of working. If the Hydra should survive all these attacks, then the temporary To Hit penalties are removed at the start of the Hydra's turn. So, each of its Icon Melee Normal Sword icons (and Icon Breath Breath Breath icons) will have the usual 40 % success chance again.

Table of To Hit Modifiers[]

Normal Units
unit / property Icon ToHit To Hit additional informations
most High Elf units +10% Unit Icon HighElfSpearmen Transparent Unit Icon HighElfSwordsmen Transparent Unit Icon HighElfHalberdiers Transparent Unit Icon HighElfCavalry Transparent Unit Icon Longbowmen Transparent Unit Icon HighElfMagicians Transparent Unit Icon Pegasai Transparent
all Halfling units +10% Unit Icon HalflingSpearmen Transparent Unit Icon HalflingSwordsmen Transparent Unit Icon HalflingBowmen Transparent Unit Icon HalflingShamans Transparent Unit Icon Slingers Transparent, via Ability Lucky Lucky
Unit Icon ElvenLords Transparent Elven Lords, Unit Icon Minotaurs Transparent Minotaurs +20% only normal units with Icon ToHit +2 To Hit
Icon ExpLevel 3 Elite +10% requires Icon Experience 120 EP
Icon ExpLevel 4 Ultra-Elite +20% only reachable with Warlord retort or Crusade spell
Icon ExpLevel 5 Champion +30% only reachable with both Warlord and Crusade
Fantastic Units
unit Icon ToHit To Hit additional informations
most common creatures +0% Unit Icon MagicSpirit Transparent Unit Icon GuardianSpirit Transparent Unit Icon WarBears Transparent Unit Icon PhantomWarriors Transparent Unit Icon FireElemental Transparent Unit Icon ChaosSpawn Transparent
most uncommon creatures +10% Unit Icon Sprites Transparent Unit Icon GiantSpiders Transparent Unit Icon Cockatrices Transparent Unit Icon Basilisk Transparent Unit Icon EarthElemental Transparent Unit Icon Nagas Transparent Unit Icon PhantomBeast Transparent Unit Icon AirElemental Transparent Unit Icon HellHounds Transparent Unit Icon FireGiant Transparent Unit Icon Gargoyles Transparent Unit Icon DoomBat Transparent Unit Icon Chimeras Transparent Unit Icon Hydra Transparent Unit Icon Zombies Transparent Unit Icon Skeletons Transparent Unit Icon Ghouls Transparent Unit Icon Demon Transparent Unit Icon Werewolves Transparent Unit Icon NightStalker Transparent
most rare creatures +20% Unit Icon Unicorns Transparent Unit Icon Angel Transparent Unit Icon StoneGiant Transparent Unit Icon Gorgons Transparent Unit Icon Behemoth Transparent Unit Icon StormGiant Transparent Unit Icon Efreet Transparent Unit Icon ShadowDemons Transparent Unit Icon Wraiths Transparent
most very rare creatures +30% Unit Icon Archangel Transparent Unit Icon Colossus Transparent Unit Icon GreatWyrm Transparent Unit Icon Djinn Transparent Unit Icon SkyDrake Transparent Unit Icon GreatDrake Transparent Unit Icon DeathKnights Transparent Unit Icon DemonLord Transparent
object Icon ToHit To Hit additional informations
Ability Lucky Hero Lucky +10% Lucky also increases Icon ToBlock and reduces opponent's Icon ToHit
Ability Blademaster Blademaster up to +40% Icon ToHit +10% when reaching each of Levels Icon ExpLevel 1 2, Icon ExpLevel 3 4, Icon ExpLevel 5 6 and Icon ExpLevel 7 8
Ability Blademaster Super Blademaster up to +60% additional Icon ToHit +10% when reaching Levels Icon ExpLevel 2 3 and Icon ExpLevel 6 7
Icon ExpLevel 2 Captain +10% requires Icon Experience 60 EP
Icon ExpLevel 5 Lord +20% requires Icon Experience 300 EP
Icon ExpLevel 8 Demi-God +30% requires Icon Experience 1000 EP
Partial To Hit
object Icon ToHit To Hit additional informations
Icon Melee Magic Magic Weapons +10% Icon Melee Normal Melee, Icon Ranged Bow Missile, Icon Ranged Boulder Boulder only (not Icon Thrown*, Icon Breath, Icon Ranged Magic)
UnitEnchantment HolyWeapon Holy Weapon +10% same effect as Icon Melee Magic Magic Weapons and cumulative
Item Misc 1 Jewelry up to +20% Melee and Ranged only (not Icon Thrown, Icon Breath in v1.31)
Item Sword 1 Sword, Item Mace 1 Mace up to +30% Icon Melee Normal Melee only
Item Axe 1 Axe up to +20% Icon Melee Normal Melee only (not Icon Thrown Thrown in v1.31)
Item Bow 1 Bow up to +30% Icon Ranged Bow Ranged Missile only
Item Staff 1 Staff, Item Wand 1 Wand up to +30% Icon Ranged Magic Ranged Magic only
Spells / Abilities that modify To Hit
object Icon ToHit To Hit additional informations
Ability Lucky Lucky +10% Lucky also increases Icon ToBlock and reduces opponent's Icon ToHit
CombatEnchantment Prayer Prayer, CombatEnchantment HighPrayer High Prayer +10% (High) Prayer also increases Icon ToBlock and reduces opponent's Icon ToHit
UnitEnchantment Vertigo Vertigo -20% target has chance to Icon Resist resist
CombatEnchantment WarpReality Warp Reality -20% units not belong to Icon ChaosChaos Realm receive Icon ToHit -20% To Hit
Spells/Abilities that modify Opponent's To Hit
object Icon ToHit To Hit additional informations
Ability Invisibility Invisibility -10% Illusions Immunity cancels this effect
Ability Lucky Lucky -10% Icon Melee Normal Melee only (not Icon Thrown, Icon Breath, Icon Breath Lightning), effect removed in v.140n
CombatEnchantment Prayer Prayer, CombatEnchantment HighPrayer High Prayer -10% Icon Melee Normal Melee only (not Icon Thrown, Icon Breath, Icon Breath Lightning), effect removed in v.140n

Note: CombatEnchantment Blur Blur doesn't affect Icon ToHit To Hit. Instead it makes 10% of otherwise successful enemy hits barely miss. This effect is weaker than a Icon ToHit -10% To Hit penalty. UnitEnchantment EldritchWeapon Eldritch Weapon doesn't affect Icon ToHit To Hit either. Instead it reduces the opponent's ability Icon ToBlock To Block by -10%.

Note: The unofficial 1.40 Insecticide patch makes some changes regarding To Hit effects:

This makes Halfling units less valuable in v1.40. Opposite is true for Barbarian units and heroes with Thrown attacks. These changes are also present in the unofficial 1.50 patch.
